There’s a lot to love about this time of year. Weather is warming up, school’s out for the summer, and flowers are blooming all over. Unfortunately, one burden comes with springtime: pothole season. The winter has taken its toll, and now total threats to your car’s well being lie all over town. Potholes pose a threat to tires, rims, and shocks, plus larger problems with the car’s alignment. Some of those issues are obvious when they occur, but damage to your shocks can be harder to pinpoint. Do shocks squeak when they go bad? Here are the trouble signs to look out for.
Warning Signs for Your Shocks
A squeak to your shocks is noticeable every bump and blip you hit in the road. The squeak is likely coming from the shock itself, but could also be the sign of a worn ball joint or bushing. Sometimes it can be tough to know whether it is your shocks specifically, so it is important to keep an eye out for these accompanying issues.
Visible Damage
Every shock is going to have a piston in it holding hydraulic fluid for stabilizing the car during bumps. A clear sign that something is wrong is if there is some sort of leak. If you can see the piston, look for liquid or a visible crack or dent, and get it into a professional ASAP.
Ride Quality is Much Lower Than Before
You drive your car more than anyone, so you know what “normal” feels like. When the car feels like it has more of a bounce to it, or tends to roll on turns, you know the suspension is likely in need of inspection. That could very well be an issue of the shocks being less than acceptable. Get it looked at before major suspension issues occur.
Nose Dive Breaking
It’s not going to be bumper to pavement, but when you brake, shock issues can manifest themselves in a nose dive stop. That would involve the front of the car pointing towards the ground as you break, showing signs of a failing shock or set of shocks. If severe, it can even result in longer breaking time and loss of steering. Get it looked at as soon as possible, as it could often mean danger for you and other drivers.
Spotty Shocks? Take Them to KB Motorsports
If you think your shocks are on the way out, or you hear a squeak that causes concern, take your car into KB Motorsports today. Our expert team is ready to diagnose the problem, ensure a safe and swift solution and repair with KB Motorsports.